Monday, October 3, 2011

The Freeman/Byrd Garden

The Garden Conservancy is an organization in the U.S. dedicated to preserving notable private gardens and opening them up to the public for enjoyment as well as educational purposes.

Their Open Days program provides the opportunity to tour amazing private gardens.  Five residential gardens in the Raleigh area were part of this program in September.  I was not able to get to all of them, but one I enjoyed in particular and was very thankful I went to is the Freeman/Byrd garden.  Enjoyed is not even really the term I would use - more like rapturously experienced.

I kind of feel bad sometimes writing about gardens that many people will not get to visit.  Dear Reader, believe me when I say that I would have taken you if I could.  And if you live in the Raleigh area, be on the lookout for the next tour of this garden.

Here is the front.  Nice, but not expecting a garden that will blow you away, are you?  Just wait...

Take the garden path around to the garden shed in the back, and you will start hearing sweet musical strains from the speakers hidden throughout the yard.

Although the garden is less than ten years old, it has the feel and presence of an old English garden.  Towering trees are covered in ivy, and stone statues are partially hidden in the lush greenery.

The owners have built several koi ponds, a garden house, greenhouse, and chicken coop that all beautifully match the house, and deck areas for enjoying the magnificent garden.

As if being in the midst of stunning gardens while listening to beautiful music and the trickling of fountains wasn't enough, the owners of this garden somehow contracted several white butterflies to flit around and show off to everyone on the tour for the entire time.

 Would you believe that a garden like this is also right next to the interstate?

I hope you enjoyed the virtual tour.  
Check out the Garden Conservancy's website for an Open Days program near you - you never know what secret garden you might find.

 linking with Mosaic Monday