Friday, March 2, 2012

On Visiting Camellia Forest Nursery

A couple weeks ago, I had the privilege of visiting the Camellia Forest Nursery over in Chapel Hill, NC.  As I talked about in my last post, I was there to buy some red blooming camellias. There were so many other wonderful plants to browse through, though, while I was there.

One of the greenhouses at Camellia Forest Nursery
There were quite a few greenhouses at the nursery, all standing there invitingly, filled to the brim with new and interesting plants.  It was a treasure trove that one could happily spend a whole day getting lost in.

Camellia 'Thieves Delight'
I, on the other hand, had a two-year-old and four-year-old with me, and they had every intention of making sure I did not get lost in such a fashion.

Helleborus hybrid
When we first arrived at the nursery, my four-year-old actually thanked me for taking her to such a place full of flowers.  Then the girls promptly headed to the closest flowers that caught their fancy - some blooming daffodils on a nearby bank.  

Primula vulgaris hybrid  (Primroses)
Umm, yes kids, those are beautiful flowers... Now Mommy wants to go in that greenhouse over there.  I'm sure there will be just as pretty flowers in there as well!

     Camellia x 'Egao Corkscrew' - has interesting contorted stems
About 20 minutes later, after two trips to the car for snacks and water and one trip to the restroom (what trip with a preschooler would be complete without a hurried search for a restroom?), my kids were ready to call it a day and head home.

We were only partway through our second greenhouse.

Just a little while longer, kids.. We want to see more pretty flowers, right?  Look at the cool flowers on a stick!
(aka Edgeworthia chrysantha)
From there it's a contest of perseverance:
 how much whining can the Mommy take?

     Camellia japonica 'October Affair'
Okay, kids, I know you're ready to go home, so let's go pick up the plants we wanted and go pay for them.  Oh, did we end up on the wrong end of this greenhouse?  We might have to through this other greenhouse nearby to get back to where we want... And maybe we should go through this other greenhouse because it might be a shortcut... Yes it is funny how sometimes shortcuts seem to take longer...

unmarked Camellia
Well anyway, I did thoroughly enjoy the few greenhouses I got to peruse through.  And I certainly did not go home empty handed - with three Camellia x 'Mieko Tanaka' shrubs, two helleborus plants, one primula, and two kids, it was amazing we all fit in the car for the journey back home!

Camellia x 'Ashton's Pink'
Besides, after seeing all beautiful plants they have, I certainly will be back - though maybe next time I will pick a day that Mr. Red House can watch the kids...