Monday, October 15, 2012

Nearly Naked Abelias and Other Blooms

It's October, and the weather is still deciding whether or not it wants to get cold.  Either way, the plants are appreciating the fact that it is no longer blisteringly hot outside!

part of the front garden
My Abelias are blooming profusely.  You wouldn't know it though, since my kids have seen fit to pick off almost every single little white flower from the stems.  That takes some kind of dedication (I'm just not sure what kind!)  Thankfully, the pretty reddish sepals have been left unplundered for winter.

a nearly naked Abelia
They should work on picking their own flowers, as their wildflower garden is an overflowing riot of rainbow colors, just like they wanted it.  I guess it's more fun to pick Mommy's flowers..

the kids' garden, spilling over with blooms
A fair number of things are re-blooming now that the weather is cooler, such as the 'Jackmanii' Clematis and Rudbeckias in the front garden and my roses in the back.  The roses are known by the kids as 'those pokey bushes' so these blooms are safe!

Rosa 'Souvenir de la Malmaison'
My seemingly ever-blooming 'Santana' Butterfly Bush is still going strong, earning thanks from the butterflies passing through.  The bush has turned into a monster, with most of the blooms too high for the little tykes to get into!

Monarch on 'Santana' Butterfly Bush
My new Nepeta 'Limelight' is blooming, but I don't think anyone really grows it for it's blooms, do you?  I took this picture on a cloudy day so the colors are a little muted, but believe me, the foliage practically glows.

my kids probably wouldn't even notice the blooms on this Nepeta 'Limelight'
It's fall, so of course the mums must pretty themselves up! 

But I must admit, as soon as there was the slightest chill in the air, it was pansies that I just had to get.

I adore the little viola ones, even though you have to see them up close to truly appreciate them.

Bonus points for whiskers!  

They should last all through the fall and into the spring,

at least, as long as my kids don't notice them...

For what's blooming in other gardens across the world, visit Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!