Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Where in the World is..

Uh, make that Mrs. Red House!  My poor blog has been sitting in cyberspace being neglected for so long.  What have I been up to?  Well, we moved into our new not-so-red house and immediately started preparing to host a couple events leading up to my Sister-in-law's wedding, including the bridal shower.  (When we agreed to host said events, we had thought we would be moving into the house a month earlier.)  

Our poor new house still had just an open field of bare dirt for the front yard, nothing like this!
It was a whirlwind preparation which included us scrambling to buy some extra furniture, me baking at all hours of the night, and boxes of dirty dishes being hidden in the basement (shh.. don't tell my Mother-in-law!)  But in the end our house was ready(ish) and a great time was had by all.

Okay, time for a vacation now!
After the wedding was over a different kind of preparation started.  Suitcases were packed and vaccines were brought up to date - we were traveling to another country.   The honeymooning couple were meeting us in the country where Mr. Red House's grandparents live.   His grandparents had been unable to travel to Boston for the wedding, as it would have been too strenuous on them, and they really wanted to see our kids, who they still had not met.  So we brought the party to them!

Over the river and through the woods, to the Grandparents' house we go!
So where were we?  Any guesses?  All of the photos in this blog post were pictures I took in that country (most of them from a previous visit).  
Where in the world was Mrs. Red House?  The winner is entitled to 100 free Brownie points*!

* Brownie points may not be redeemed for actual brownies, about which Mr. Red House is very sad.