Wednesday, September 21, 2011

When Butterflies Distract

 I've got a project to do - a table to paint before the 2-year-old wakes up from her nap, so no distractions, okay?

But look at me!!
A Monarch!!  I've been waiting for one to visit the Red House Garden.  Welcome, welcome!
Okay, back to the painting..

But what about me?
 Okay, one more and that's it.  Now, butterflies, you have to go away.  I have to get this table painted...

But you have to come over here and notice me!
Don't forget about us little skippers!
And us swallowtails!
 Seriously?!  Now the little one has woken up and the clouds are rolling in.  The kids will now have to watch a video to keep them out of trouble while I hurry up and get this table painted before it rains.   
So no more butterflies!

Not even little old me?
Ooo, oo, take a picture of me!

Are we about done yet?  
Can I paint now?

Right before it starts to rain!
And believe it or not, there were even several more mischievous sulphurs and blues flitting around trying to distract me while I was trying to paint!
Do you think they knew?