Saturday, January 14, 2012

Say It Isn't So!

Now that I'm finally home after the holidays, I checked out the garden to see how it was doing.  Were there any blooms in January for this month's Garden Blogger's Bloom Day?

Clematis 'Bill Mackenzie'
There were!  My 'Bill Mackenzie' clematis is trying to make up for the fact that it hasn't really bloomed in two years by sporadically blooming throughout the winter.  Apparently plants do respond to threats...

The rest of the garden was pretty brown like expected except.. 
Uh, oh, what was this?!

Oh, no!  That can't be a crocus, can it?!  Say it isn't so!

So.. hello, my name is Crocus 'Ard Schenk'!
There are crocus in my garden?!  But that would mean Spring is almost here and.. uh, oh, I am so not ready for Spring because... well, people, I have a confession to make.

I still haven't even planted all my fall bulbs.

So, uh, here's to hoping that my plants are just really, really confused by all the warm weather we've been having, and hopefully we'll have just a little bit more winter...

And I'm, uh, going to go outside in the yard for awhile...