Monday, May 7, 2012

A Horseshoe Shaped Vegetable Garden

Last summer's vegetable garden didn't turn out so well.  My poor veggie plants were sad, spindly things thanks to not enough sun and sub-par dirt.   This year I was determined to change that by building a new garden for my veggies.  The best available sunny location was in my side yard, on the south side of my house.

The 'Before' Picture
I didn't have much space for it (it is a side yard, after all!), so I decided to make a horseshoe or U-shaped bed, inspired by the keyhole garden design.   Since the rocky clay is so difficult to dig in, I also decided to make it into a low, raised bed.

First step - clearing away all that grass!  That was supposed to be a mulched area.  Isn't it amazing how grass grows so well wherever you don't want it to?

I used rocks as walls, lined the edges with landscaping fabric so the dirt wouldn't fall through the cracks, and then filled it with dirt - nice, composty-rich dirt.

I left room by the downspout for a rain barrel which is going in as soon as I get it painted.  

The 'After' Picture - all done and planted
Green beans and cucumbers are in the back on the trellis, then I have tomatoes, peppers, okra, basil, carrots, cilantro, and nasturtiums on the ends.  I have high hopes - already the plants are looking better than last year's!

Nasturtiums 'Empress of India' - pretty and edible!