Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Blooms of Past Efforts

I may have traded in my trowel for a paintbrush in the effort to get our house ready to sell...

Narcissus 'Sweetness'
..but one of the best things about gardening is enjoying the fruit of past labors!

Narcissus 'Julia Jane'
Spring-blooming bulbs are some of my favorite flowers of all, and in the last three years, I have filled the yard with them.

blooming with abandon in my creatively named Mailbox Garden
Even last fall I ordered and planted scores of bulbs, not knowing we were going to be leaving the Red House and its garden.  I am very thankful for the chance to see some of my new acquisitions in bloom before we leave..

Narcissus 'Thalia', one of my new beauties well as say goodbye to some old favorites. 

Leucojum aestivum 'Gravetye Giant'
We will be moving to the Boston area here in a couple weeks as Mr. Red House starts his new job.  I am going to miss my garden.  But Spring is all about new beginnings, and the great thing about most spring bulbs..

possibly Narcissus 'Ice Follies'
is that they'll thrive just wonderfully in my future new Northern garden as well.

Happy Spring!

So... any of you want to buy a red house?