Thursday, August 25, 2011

In the Garden State: An Artist's Garden

This week I am away from the Red House and in the thankfully cooler Garden State of New Jersey.  I was fortunate to be able to stay at the house of Radhika, a very talented artist and gardener and a relative of Mr. Red House.  Her garden was a welcome shaded oasis after the blazing North Carolina sun.

As the summer blooms fade, the beautiful structure and textures of the garden emerge.

One of my favorite things about Radhika's garden is the many pathways.  One is always wondering what is around the bend..

or up the staircase..

Radhika has lived all over the world, including Hong Kong and Singapore.  Her art as well as her garden shows touches of Asian influence.

I would be remiss if I did not show some her beautiful paintings.  If only my camera could do them justice!
oil painting
Chinese brush painting
Back to wandering the paths and soaking in the beauty... what else will I discover this week?