Thursday, September 15, 2011

Red House Garden Blooms - September 2011

Today I'm joining May Dreams Gardens and garden bloggers around the globe in showing off those late summer blooms in our garden.

Our gardens are looking rather sad at the end of a long hot summer, but the persistant plants of the Red House Garden are hanging in there and joined by a couple fall bloomers.

Here are the front gardens with the orange zinnias, purple petunias, yellow cosmos, and white rain lilies still blooming away. 

Up on the porch, the Clematis 'Jackmanii' is reblooming up a storm!

In another part of the front gardens, my Rudbeckia hirta 'Irish Eyes' are starting to bloom in front of the 'Little Richard' Abelia.

I grew these Rudbeckia from seeds this summer, and I wasn't sure if they would bloom this year, so I am very happy to see some bright cheerful blooms with all of that foliage!

Another pleasant find at the end of the summer are the forget-me-nots.  I planted some seeds last summer and those plants must have reseeded quite well, for now I find little forget-me nots scattered throughout the yard when I least expect them. 

One must also not forget the giant 'Kelvin Floodlight' Dahlias!

Continuing the yellow theme on the side yard is the Coreopsis with a couple red petunias.

These are supposed to be 4 o'clocks, but they've never been open at four in the afternoon in my garden!  I've only seen the blooms open in the morning.  Maybe the confused plant thinks that it is supposed to be blooming at 4am?

 On to the side yard.  Ignore those weeds in the path and focus on the impatiens! 

Much better!  I have single and double impatiens here in the shade garden.

The Hibiscus 'Luna Pink Swirl', nicotiana, and pentas are still in bloom on the other side of my weedy path.

In one of my containers, my 'Autumn Joy' Sedum is blooming with the petunias and lobelia.

And I couldn't resist buying some little violas when at the plant store the other day. A big stump section in what will be the Children's Garden had a hole in it, and I've been looking for a cute little plant to put there.  The violas will stay cheerful throughout fall and into our mild winter.

Happy Gardening!