Saturday, June 30, 2012

Where's my Mother?

Record breaking heat has descended on much of the U.S., including the Red House Garden.  At least, that's what I hear.  I am currently escaping the heat in Canada, on vacation here to attend a wedding.  I'm a little afraid of what I might find when I come back, even though the person feeding my cats has been watering some of the plants.  I'm worried for some of my newer plants - I hadn't counted on them trying to fend off 105 degree weather!

On a completely unrelated note, here is a picture of a baby blue jay.  It is much cuter than a picture of my frying garden, I'm sure, even if I had fried garden pictures available to share.

Blue Jay fledgling
We met this little feathery guy on our last round of travels in May.  The baby blue jay was sitting right outside a rest stop building for quite awhile.

It was looking around and squawking, most likely for its Mother. It let me get quite close to it before finally flying a short distance away, confirming its fledgling status.  (Sometimes baby blue birds will wander from the nest a couple days before they are able to fly.)

Is my Mother over there?
I do hope it found its Mother!

You're not my Mother!  Where is she?
And I do hope my garden isn't fried..