Sunday, July 15, 2012

MI: Squirrel Division does Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day

Sigh... I'm so bored.
It's been so hot that I haven't even had enough energy to make it past the baffle
on the bird feeder!  And there's been no new missions in days..

Hey!  A mission just came in from Headquarters!  

What?!  Finally!  It's about time we had some action around here.  What's the mission?

Well, this one's rather odd..  
Apparently we are supposed to find some blooms here at the 
Red House Garden for something called 

Some blooms?!  Don't they know that we've had record high heat here, 
and that the garden has besieged by the serial killer Vole and his family?  

Hey, at least Headquarters didn't ask us to tackle those guys!

Come on, there's got to be something blooming around here, right?  
We'll find some blooms if they're out there - they don't call us
Mission Impossible: Squirrel Division for nothing, do they?

Aha!  Found some!

Wild Potato Vine
Um.. You found some weeds.  Surrounded by more weeds.

But they're BLOOMING weeds aren't they?  
Maybe if Mrs. Red House hadn't weeded the other parts of the garden, 
she'd have more blooms! 

I'm still pretty sure that that wasn't what Headquarters had in mind.. 
Let's keep looking!

White flowering Sedum
Aw, here's some cute tiny little flowers!  Just my size, too! 
That would make a great bouquet for a squirrel..

We're not here to pick the flowers!  
See if you can find some larger blooms, ones that the humans will actually notice!

Fine!  I will!

Cosmos sulphureus
Coreopsis tinctoria
Dahlia 'Kelvin Floodlight'
Jackpot!  Look at all these flowers in the front yard!
And you thought we wouldn't be able to find any!

Me?!  I distinctly remember that it was you who had the doubts!

I don't know what you are talking about.  
Look, there's some more!

Rudbeckia hirta 'Irish Eyes'
Abelia x grandiflora 'Little Richard'
Clematis 'Gazelle'
Wow, there are even some new flowers that I don't remember seeing here at the Red House Garden before!

Butterfly Weed, grown from seed this year
Cardinal Flower - we've seen more hummingbirds in the area since these started flowering
Mission accomplished!  Blooms have been found!
Now on to a little snack...

But doesn't anything bother you about this mission?

Mmmphhh?  (mouth full)

It's just that this seemed to be a mission to help Mrs. Red House.
But she's the enemy - the lady who uses the baffles on the 
bird feeders against us!

What, like she's some sort of secret agent?  And she's 
infiltrated our message system and is using it to make us help her?
Naaa... that doesn't sound like Mrs. Red House...

I don't know...  Looks can be deceiving.
We might have to keep an eye on this Mrs. Red House..