Monday, March 30, 2015

The Wait

The calendar says we are in Spring now, even though it is snowing outside.  It snowed on the first day of Spring as well, ironically.  I think Winter has decided not to go without a fight.

But thankfully Spring has insisted on a few days of her own.  Cold days now alternate with warmer ones, the snow is slowly receding, and, lo and behold, green things are starting to push their way up.

Snowdrops transplanted from a friend's garden into mine (and nearly accidentally dug back up several times) hold budding flowers.  Being planted next to the house brings them into an extra microclimate of warmth.  I never thought I should care so much for white flowers after such a white winter, but I can't help but be excited at the thought of blooms in any color after so many months.

Even with the wintery days, gardeners' faith in a returning Spring is demonstrated in the planting of seeds.  Here at the Red House Garden, we've opened the new greenhouse back up, installed grow lights, and plugged the space heater back in.  It is now an interesting challenge to keep my seedlings from freezing during the night and cooking during sunny afternoons.

Jalapeño pepper seedlings
During a few of the wintery weeks, I winter sowed about twenty different kinds of perennial seeds.  Groups of milk jugs are scattered around my backyard, full of seeds waiting for the right time to germinate.

Hopefully it won't be too long, now.

spring shoots of a Clematis that was overwintered in the greenhouse
Happy Spring to those of you whose gardens have already come to life.
And happy dreams of Spring to those gardeners who, like me, still lie in wait.