Friday, June 15, 2012

June Summer Blooms

Summer might not officially start until the 20th, but here at the Red House the summer gardening season started several weeks ago. 

A closeup of the little Coral Lily (Lilium pumilum)
I admit, the garden has worn me down this month.  I feel like I haven't played in the garden this month so much as wrestled with it.

Deer, rabbits, raccoons and voles have all been working against me this year.
I suspect a conspiracy.

Most of the front garden has remained intact, thankfully.
And we won't even talk about the weeds, which have taken every opportunity that the early spring has afforded.

Scabiosa blooms
But, let's focus on the positive!   Even though I've been too busy to plant hardly any annuals, my garden has still had a fair amount of color thanks to some hard working perennials and bulbs.

Salvia guaranitica 'Black and Blue', which is a perennial here in zone 7b
Some 'Cancun' lily blooms that have survived the deer
Two of my favorite flowering shrubs have also been faithfully blooming - the beautiful variegated 'Santana' Butterfly Bush

'Santana' Butterfly Bush with an Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
and the Hydrangea arborescens 'Incrediball'.

To my amazement, my little vegetable garden has turned into a jungle and has started to produce peppers, tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, and green beans.  

Note to self:  buy bigger tomato cages next year...
Here's hoping that the wildlife won't nibble away the rest of my garden!

To see what is blooming in other gardens around the world, visit Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day over at May Dreams Garden.